Seeing Elk Island in Black and White | Part I

by on April 13, 2015

Elk Island National Park is a beautiful national park here in Alberta, east of Edmonton; besides the conservation efforts behind the administrative walls it is famous for, the park is full of colour and life, especially during the beginning of the autumn season where flora and fauna are rather spectacular. However, sometimes when I am in the park, I do not see the images in front of me as the vivid colour in which they actually are, but in black and white.

Hoping I can transfer my vision to the camera, I give it a shot … at times it works, and at times it doesn’t.

That’s the beauty of photography – we keep going back for more. Hopefully we never stop going back …

Below are some past attempts of seeing in black and white. You decide which ones worked and which images did not. 🙂

Plains bison (extirpated specie, bison bison bison) cows quietly makes their way through the snow, looking for food at Elk Island.

Winter mornings with deep shadowing on the sparkling snow over the Bison Loop at Elk Island National Park, Alberta black and white landscape.

Weathered wooden bench during a foggy morning at Elk Island National Park, Alberta black and white landscape.

Two ravens are perched on the branches of towering trembling aspens at Elk Island National Park.

A trio of plains bison on the run through the snowy field at the end of a snowy winter day at Elk Island National Park.


2017 update: you can see part two here »» Seeing Elk Island in Black and White »» Part II


See you in the field!




Photographer. Podcaster on hiatus. Edmonton Oilers lovah. Cinematic Star Wars fan. Fond of wildlife conservation, animal rescue orgs, and all things Johnny Cash. Gen X. 

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